A choreographic field research on
wilderness initiated with a visit to the Kôprová and Tichá Valleys in Slovak Carpathian Mountains.
Working with the notion of wilderness touches on several
aspects simultaneously: the question of power relations between humans and
land, the practice of letting go of control in favor of building collaborations, zooming into biological processes enabling alliances between
living and dead matter, and shifting attention from static objects to dynamic
fluxes and interdependencies. It became a mixture of dance, cooking and carpentry. Within the process, we
collected multiple stories about woods and wilderness focusing on the forest ecosystem as a nexus of interspecies relations and biological processes. We worked with dance scores and storytelling as
practices of celebrating energy
flows. We focused on glucose as the primary substance that all living beings
exchange and wood from the perspective of craftsmanship. The research became a
space for reflecting on work organization and collaboration. Making joint
decisions allowed us to generate a third quality beyond
our individual agendas and capabilities.
Concept, research & performance:
Alica Minar, Dorota Michalak
Erik Baláz (ecologist, activist, film director), Matthias Nuss (entomologist, biologist)