Renae Shadler

“Under my Gaze” is a quartet performed by three people and the Aerocene sculpture that gives a body to the unseen forces that surround us: connecting Earth-bound dancers to aerial and cosmic worlds in a transforming landscape of shadowy creatures and molten forms.
concept, choreography, performance: Renae Shadler

performance: Mickey Mahar/Emeka Ene, Dorota Michalak 

composition: Samuel Hertz 

set design: Camille Lacadee 

costume design: Geraldine Arnold 

dramaturgy: Ally Bisshop, Maikon K

production, distribution: Dörte Wolter 

production assistant: Undine Sommers   
support: Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR 

premiere: 28.07.2022 St. Elisabeth Kirche Berlin

photo: Piotr Pietrus, Lys Y. Seng