We consider a garden a protected space of co-existence and encounter not only between humans, but also between plants, insects, vegetal and mineral agents as well as different kinds of particles and waves. Our aim is to explore it as a site from which situated knowledge can unfold, enabling to observe and learn from various corporealities. In the notion of nakedness we search for the potential to approach “what is underneath”, rendered invisible and overseen within dominant sensory regimes. What kind of associations does the notion of nakedness carry? What are the qualities of nakedness and how can we combine the human understanding and experience of it in order to create new conspiracies?
With these as starting points, "Nudes and conspiracies" develops somatic fictions and choreographic strategies that explore contradictory dipoles like permeability and resistance, camouflage and exposure as well as the possibility of hijacking concrete architectural and imaginary structures enacted within urban planning.
Concept, research & performance:
Xenia Koghilaki, Dorota Michalak, Julek Kreutzer
Music re-mix:
Borys Slowikowski