Can dance mend our ties to the land and intimately connect us?
“Lush Blast” is a walking performance in an urban
park, exploring the relations between natural and artificial, wild and
domesticated and cultural representations about nature.Tree trunks and limbs, crumbling mountains, vibrating chains. The performers guide the audience through varying atmospheres, from evocative songs to acidic humor, asking what remains of the wilderness in and around us. Using their physicalities and voices, they morph their presences in a quest to become something other than human, inviting us into a sensual feast and a cruel battlefield. After spending time in the Carpathian Wilderness, the choreographers want to re-articulate power as a vital force rather than a tool of control.
Dorota Michalak, Alica Minar
Creation and performance:
Dorota Michalak, Alica Minar, Breanne Saxton, Ola Zielinska
Music: & the romantic horse
Dramaturgy: Maikon K
Text: Katarína Bakosová, Maikon K
Stage design: Natálie Rajnisová
Light research: Raquel Rosildete
Production: Dorota Michalak, Alica Minar & col.
Studio ALTA in Prague (CZ)
Bazaar Festival in Prague (CZ)
Hellerau -
Europäisches Zentrum der Künste in Dresden (DE)
Czech-German Fund for the Future
State Fund of Culture of the Czech Republic
Bazaar Festival Residency
Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste
CAA Berlin
HELLERAU - Kulturgarten Opening, Dresden (DE), 20.05.2023
BAZAAR FESTIVAL - Science Blast Evening, Prague (CZ), 22.03.2024
STUDIO ALTA - Alta Zeny, Prague (CZ), 02.07.2024
STUDIO ALTA, Prague (CZ), 11.10.2024