Pauline Payen

“High Tide” questions high pressure, the processing of traumatic events and the possibility to greet rage with open arms. The beauty and strategy of letting things go, exquisitely reminding us that we are alive.
CREDITSconcept, choreography, performance: Pauline Payen

performance: Dorota Michalak, Lyllie Rouvière

sound design: Charlie Aubry a.k.a Sacrifice Seul

sound operator, drums: FiFi

light design: Hanna Kritten Tangsoo

production: Apricot Production

thanks to Flutgraben Performances Residencies and the kind support of Martine Bartholini

support: Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR

premiere: 16.02.2022 Flutgraben Projektraum Berlin

photo: Alicja Hoppel