Alice Chauchat

“Dance Gatherings” are dance parties in open air, in which scores function as social dances. Instead of steps or style, the stories they hold about ways of relating to each other, to each other's dancing, are passed around and entered in smaller groups or duets, each in their own time, all at the same time. Each Gathering is prepared in a series of sessions where respondents to an open call learn and practice both dancing and explaining the scores.
artistic direction: Alice Chauchat  

music set: Manuela Schininà a.k.a Bianca Kruk

artistic collaboration: Arantxa Martinez, Dorota Michalak, Kai Evans, Daniel Belasco Rogers

Ausufern, Uferstudios 2022

Berlin-Schöneberg  2023

Radical  Playgrounds, Berliner Festspiele, Gropius Bau  2024

photo: Aaron Williams, Camille Blake