Isabelle Schad

We look for equality in movement and for the end of hierarchy between body parts. Relations between body parts are like relations between people within the group. We play and distort in any kind of way. We differentiate synchronicity from synchronisation. We understand synchronicity as the moment when things fall together in time, a phenomenon of energy. We borrow floor, formation, and holding patterns from other communally practiced forms, such as folk dance or Eastern body practices. We relate resistance to questions of rhythm. We relate protest to ques­tions of organisation and exercise. We look at the aesthetics of representation and the kind we are trying to resist. We look at the aesthetics of representation as a political practice. Could the creation of an infinite, unified, monstrous body possibly become a site of resistance? Could the body itself become a site of resistance, the body of a dancer?
CREDITSproject initiation, concept, choreography: Isabelle Schad

concept, choreography: Laurent Goldring

co-choreography, performance: Juan Corres Benito, Sonia Borkowicz, Frederike Doffin, Josephine Findeisen, Jasmin Ihrac, Przemek Kaminski, Roni Katz, Mathis Kleinschnittger, Manuel Lindner, Jan Lorys, Dorota Michalak, Iza Szostak, Claudia Tomasi, Aya Toraiwa, Nir Vidan, Natalia Wilk

sound: Damir Šimunović

light & tech: Emma Juliard,

tech: Ivan Bartsch, Arnaud Lesage

PR & social media: Elena Basteri, Rike Nölting

production management: Heiko Schramm

production: Isabelle Schad

coproduction: HAU Hebbel am Ufer

support: Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Wiesen55 e.V

in cooperation with: Goethe-Institut Warschau, Art Stations Foundation Poznan, HZT Berlin

photo: Jakub Wittchen