

A workshop focused on tuning into what we call, following Erin Manning, a state of “becoming body” – a responsive quality, that transcends bound and homogenic idea of identity.
It mixes a somatic approach, dance scores and philosophy. We work with movement & spoken language, verbalization of sensations, tracing attention, tuning into different time-spaces embedded within our bodies, playing with scales and volumes. We focus on bodily fluidity and approach the body as a fluid archive. On this basis, we intend to explore notions of ‘heritage’ as an embodied knowledge created always in a relation to other bodies, in continuous movement and transformation. In this investigation we specifically focus on language as a matter – understood as a collective set of rules and as a mean capable of activating and integrating different perspectives. Its aim is to practice alternative understanding of what constitutes and surrounds us, distorting exploitative epistemic traditions.

“Bodies cannot be measured solely by adding their parts (their organs), thus creating an ambulatory whole. Bodies engage symbiotically, incorporeally, virtually, always becoming more than they already seem to be.”

Erin Manning · Politics of Touch: Sense, Movement, Sovereignty

Concept & facilitation:
Dorota Michalak (in collaboration with Borys Slowikowski at Xarkis residency)

Conceptual support: 
Sandra Noeth

Documentation (Xarkis residency): 
Emma Louise Photography

HZT Berlin
Xarkis Festival

Among us workshop series - online, 15.01.2021 

Pawilon Otwarty: Poznanska Orkiestra Improwizowana, Body/Ciało - Pawilon, Poznan (PL), 16.04.2019

Residency at Xarkis Festival - Koilani (CY), 14-19.08.2018