a way of being in the space together
a personal story
a field trip into cellular languages and kinaesthetic forces
a performative practice of fine-tuning perception
we evoke restfull, vibrant, intangible elements that gather together with us in the theater
from between cracks and time leaps intimate stories emerge
walking backwards in time
jumping into the future
the saliva is leaving
the body forever
a farewell march
Seals are your co-performers. It’s hot and we are lying down on the stones. The sun is burning. We are fantasizing about events from our current lives. We are not talking. We don’t know whether our thoughts are real or fictional. Our organisms are becoming sounds. We are melting with the stones.
choreography, performance, set design: Dorota Michalak
sound design:
Fjóla (lemonboy) Gautadóttir
technical support:
Max Stelzl, Kiana Rezvani, Waldemar Michalak
Evgenia Chetvertkova
thanks to Frauke Havemann, Anna Nowicka, Sandra Noeth, Alice Chauchat, Johanna Peine, Jee-Ae Lim, Sara Mikolai, Nik Haffner, Flupsi Upsi, Evgenia Chetvertkova, Pauline Payen, Borys Slowikowski, Miri Chekhanovich, Maryna Makarenko, Michela Filzi, Forough Fami & my inspiring and supportive friends, beloved schoolmates for sharing their knowledge, experience, resources and attention with me
SUPPORTED BYsound design:
Fjóla (lemonboy) Gautadóttir
technical support:
Max Stelzl, Kiana Rezvani, Waldemar Michalak
Evgenia Chetvertkova
thanks to Frauke Havemann, Anna Nowicka, Sandra Noeth, Alice Chauchat, Johanna Peine, Jee-Ae Lim, Sara Mikolai, Nik Haffner, Flupsi Upsi, Evgenia Chetvertkova, Pauline Payen, Borys Slowikowski, Miri Chekhanovich, Maryna Makarenko, Michela Filzi, Forough Fami & my inspiring and supportive friends, beloved schoolmates for sharing their knowledge, experience, resources and attention with me